Thursday, October 4, 2012

My Favorite Seinfeld Episodes #10-6

 Well I have been posting the best Seinfeld episodes of All Time. Well in my opinion but many of you whom are fans of the shows will love certain episodes that are on this list. I already listed #25-16.

I also listed #15-11.

Now back to the countdown. This is #10 through #6

10.) The Switch

   -This is the episodes where we find out Kramer's first name which is Cosmo. But also this episodes features Jerry going out with this woman who doesn't laugh at his jokes. He meets her roomate who does laugh at his jokes but is also attracted to him. Now he has to do something no male has ever done. The Switch.

and the result

9.) The Soup Nazi

 -No Explanation needed for the Soup Nazi!!

8.) The Fusilli Jerry

   -Kramer makes a little statue for Jerry out of Fusilli pasta meanwhile he gets the Wrong License plates that say Ass-Man. Jerry think Elanie's boyfriend Puddy is stealing his moves while George needs new ones to impress his girlfriend.

7.) The Dealership

    -Jerry tries to get an insider deal on a new Saab with Puddy as a salesman but Puddy and Elanie have relationship problems. Kramer test drives Jerry's Car and George who is there to help Jerry gets hungry and ends up fighting with a mechanic about a Twix bar. This is hilarious. Watch this it just shows you how obsessive and neurotic the George Costanza character really is.

6.) The Race

   -This episode more likely is a favorite of mine since I'm a long distance/running/track & field guy. Jerry dates a woman named Lois whose boss is one of his old classmates who thinks Jerry cheated in a race when they were in High School and wants to challenge him to another race. Elanie Dates a communist, Kramer becomes a dept. store Santa with Mickey as an Elf. George goes to Cuba for the Yankees.

Kramer advices from Elanie's Commie boyfriend cost him his job.
and here's the Race.

Tomorrow I'll conclude with My Top 5 Favorite Seinfeld Episodes of ALL TIME!!

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