Thursday, March 3, 2011


Today I want to post about the title of the sermon I heard in Church this past sunday. It's about Gratitude and thanking those whom effect our lives. The verse that was read was Paul's letter to the Philipians in Phil 1 Verses 1-8. In these verses Paul is giving thanks and praise to the church in Philippi for their grace and service. It was said he wrote this while in prison but despite his hardship he is thankful for what God has done.

This got to me to thinking about my training for the Boston Marathon, where I;m at in my job, my health, family, friends, and other good related things in my life and how thankful am I for everything.

Joshua house pastor not only preached about remember the good things and the grace given but also what can move us from having graditude. Failing to look back at what God has given us dispite what has given us and feeling entitled.

Their are times I sometimes feel entitled thinking that I should be faster, have more pay in my job, or even be married or in a long term relationship like many other of my friends.

However, the one thing I can be thankful or to have a little more patience which has grown over the years. I know I didn't become a very good runner overnight, it took hardwork time and sacrifice. Friendships and relationships with the opposite sex take time to develop and I have developed great friendships over the years with many more to continue. I'm very thankful to have a good job right now dispite the negativity they talk about the economy in the news.

I believe if we take time to have gratitude towards those who have effect our lives not only we would feel good but those around us would feel great about themselves.

In the weeks leading up to Boston I will talk more about those who have kept me going on the right path even though sometimes being human I fall off but in running need training partners to pull me along life's path.

....and that's my two cents for now!! :)

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